Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Los Ganadores del Olimpia de Plata 2005

Los siguientes deportistas resultaron ganadores de los Olimpia de Plata:

AJEDREZ: Rubén Felgaer
ATLETISMO: Jorge Balliengo
AUTOMOVILISMO: Gabriel Ponce de León
BASQUETBOL: Emanuel Ginóbili
BEISBOL: Federico Tanco
BILLAR: Carlos Tosi
BOCHAS: Raúl Basualdo
BOXEO: Jorge Barrios
CANOTAJE: María Fernanda Lauro
CESTOBALL: María Laura García
CICLISMO: Miguel Simón
EQUITACION: Luis Magnasco
ESGRIMA: Alejandra Carbone
FUTBOL: Lionel Messi
FUTSAL: Santiago Elías
GIMNASIA: Analía Serenelli
GOLF: Angel Cabrera
HANDBALL: Sebastián Simonet
HOCKEY SOBRE RUEDAS: Mariano Velázquez
JUDO: Eduardo Costa
LUCHA: Fernando Iglesias
MOTOCICLISMO: Sebastián Porto
MOTONAUTICA: Carlos Franco
NATACION: Georgina Bardach
PADEL: Fernando Belasteguin
PATIN: Andrea González
PATO: Guillermo Montero
PELOTA: Cristian Algarbe
PESAS: Damián Abbiate
POLO: Adolfo Cambiaso
REMO: Ariel Suárez
RUGBY: Felipe Contepomi
SOFTBOL: Lucas Mata
SQUASH: Robertino Pezzota
TAEKWONDO: Sebastián Crismanich
TENIS: David Nalbandian
TIRO: Daniel Felizia
TURF: Pablo Falero
VOLEIBOL: Pablo Meana
YACHTING: Diego Romero


Blogger alex said...

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April 17, 2007 at 6:07 AM  
Blogger alex said...

The Duplicity of Hargraves prednisone , by O.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common spiriva to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. There might be people looking out of the windows, though it is hard to celebrex see why that should affect a limp.. When I lef' old mars' says: 'Take singulair dem mule colts, Mose, and, if it be so you gits able, pay fur 'em.. Just as one element of the dream leads to associations with several dream thoughts, wellbutrin so, as a rule, the one dream thought represents more than one dream element.. I have, replied the keppra other; I wrestled with that tiller and I wonder it didn't throw me out.. is reputed to have been a model ultram of this sort.. It had occurred to neurontin him that the flood might last longer than they anticipated.. As to your statement of your relations with Miss Hooker, I may state that it is fully norco corroborated by the statement of the young lady herself in this very office yesterday.. But from all these lofty halls of memory he constantly escaped to a remote and solitary hydrocodone chamber, into which no one had ever penetrated.. It was remembered also that a mysterious note had been handed to him at the conclusion of his speech--evidently a challenge from aspirin the State Attorney.. It is not uncommon that out of some long, complicated and intricate dream one specially lucid part stands out containing unmistakably the realization of a desire, but bound up with much unintelligible matter. tramadol. Then feeling macrobid himself growing imbecile, he forced an equally weak gravity.. The old gentlemen, who have excellent appetites, dispersed at once, one of them politely asking us if we would not viagra stop and have a bit of bread and a little mite of cheese.. By gradually dropping the voice, the interlocutor is compelled to supply the amoxicillin answer...

April 18, 2007 at 3:02 PM  
Blogger alex said...

The Duplicity of Hargraves viagra , by O.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common oxycontin to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. There might be people looking out of the windows, though it is hard to calcium see why that should affect a limp.. When I lef' old mars' says: 'Take calcium dem mule colts, Mose, and, if it be so you gits able, pay fur 'em.. Just as one element of the dream leads to associations with several dream thoughts, calcium so, as a rule, the one dream thought represents more than one dream element.. I have, replied the hydrocodone other; I wrestled with that tiller and I wonder it didn't throw me out.. is reputed to have been a model calcium of this sort.. It had occurred to norco him that the flood might last longer than they anticipated.. As to your statement of your relations with Miss Hooker, I may state that it is fully potassium corroborated by the statement of the young lady herself in this very office yesterday.. But from all these lofty halls of memory he constantly escaped to a remote and solitary ambien chamber, into which no one had ever penetrated.. It was remembered also that a mysterious note had been handed to him at the conclusion of his speech--evidently a challenge from diflucan the State Attorney.. It is not uncommon that out of some long, complicated and intricate dream one specially lucid part stands out containing unmistakably the realization of a desire, but bound up with much unintelligible matter. meclizine. Then feeling fosamax himself growing imbecile, he forced an equally weak gravity.. The old gentlemen, who have excellent appetites, dispersed at once, one of them politely asking us if we would not oxycodone stop and have a bit of bread and a little mite of cheese.. By gradually dropping the voice, the interlocutor is compelled to supply the morphine answer...

April 19, 2007 at 10:59 PM  
Blogger alex said...

The Duplicity of Hargraves calcium , by O.. Of many dreams it can be ascertained by a careful interpretation that they are even to be taken bisexually, inasmuch as they result in an irrefutable secondary interpretation in which they realize homosexual feelings--that is, feelings that are common flexeril to the normal sexual activity of the dreaming person.. There might be people looking out of the windows, though it is hard to lithium see why that should affect a limp.. When I lef' old mars' says: 'Take coumadin dem mule colts, Mose, and, if it be so you gits able, pay fur 'em.. Just as one element of the dream leads to associations with several dream thoughts, aspirin so, as a rule, the one dream thought represents more than one dream element.. I have, replied the acetaminophen other; I wrestled with that tiller and I wonder it didn't throw me out.. is reputed to have been a model oxycodone of this sort.. It had occurred to cialis him that the flood might last longer than they anticipated.. As to your statement of your relations with Miss Hooker, I may state that it is fully paxil corroborated by the statement of the young lady herself in this very office yesterday.. But from all these lofty halls of memory he constantly escaped to a remote and solitary lisinopril chamber, into which no one had ever penetrated.. It was remembered also that a mysterious note had been handed to him at the conclusion of his speech--evidently a challenge from vioxx the State Attorney.. It is not uncommon that out of some long, complicated and intricate dream one specially lucid part stands out containing unmistakably the realization of a desire, but bound up with much unintelligible matter. plavix. Then feeling lupron himself growing imbecile, he forced an equally weak gravity.. The old gentlemen, who have excellent appetites, dispersed at once, one of them politely asking us if we would not effexor stop and have a bit of bread and a little mite of cheese.. By gradually dropping the voice, the interlocutor is compelled to supply the phentermine answer...

April 21, 2007 at 3:57 AM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

April 22, 2007 at 12:14 AM  
Blogger alex said...


May 26, 2007 at 10:47 AM  
Blogger alex said...


May 27, 2007 at 12:13 PM  
Blogger alex said...


May 28, 2007 at 2:05 PM  
Blogger alex said...


May 29, 2007 at 4:18 PM  
Blogger alex said...


May 30, 2007 at 6:58 PM  

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